Every year, we identify the top startups, most influential individuals, and key ecosystem players—such as investors, acceleration programs, and coworking spaces—from various regions. Our systematic approach allows us to discover the leading technology companies and the talented entrepreneurs driving innovation.




phase 1: public nominations

  • We start by opening up public nominations on the national level. Anyone can nominate an individual, startup, company, or organization in any relevant category per country through the GSAwards proprietary competition system. 

  • Categories can belong to either the baseline categories or the vertical categories and can be divided further into startups, individuals or ecosystem supporters. 

  • Nominees have to accept the invitation to the competition and provide the required data to be properly assessed in the selected category and, consequently, become approved applicants. 

  • To become an approved applicant the finalist needs to fit the criteria for the specific category.

  • Parallel with the public nominations, Ambassadors and Ecosystem Partners are also invited to recommend the best candidates to participate in the competition by nominating them. These sourced nominations are to ensure quality and not solo rely on organic nominations. 

  • An Ambassador and an Ecosystem Partner can not nominate themselves in any category but can be nominated by third-parties

phase 2: Selection of NATIONAL Finalists

  • The finalized applications are collected through the GSA proprietary competition system.

  • A shortlist of up to 10 finalists (per country, per category) is selected and will compete at the regional level as finalists.

  • The shortlist will be quality assured by a pool of GSA stakeholders (pre-jury). These can be a mix of experts in a given vertical category, ecosystem partners, country partners (if the specific country is represented by any), the regional partners, and the global team.

regional LEVEL

phase 3: Regional Jury & Public Voting - Selection of Regional Winners

  • The regional winners are selected through a combination of the rating given by all regional juries and the total amount of collected public votes. 

  • The overall rating of each finalist is based on the average of the summed points from each jury member and the amount of collected public votes. 

  • A jury consists of a minimum of 3 jury members. The public voting will always have the same weight as one jury member.

  • Unlike all baseline and vertical categories, the People’s Choice category winners are entirely selected by the amount of collected public votes. This category is applied to startup based categories only. 

  • The regional winners are announced at the regional Grand Finale Day and published online afterwards. 

  • Exceptionally for the African Startup Awards, phase 3 is replicated one extra time. Firstly, winners among the 5 regions of Africa are selected based on the regional jury and public voting. Then, phase 3 is repeated to find the regional winners of Africa (as a whole region) who will compete at the global level.

global LEVEL

phase 4: Selection of Global Winners

  • At the global level, global finalists are asked to engage in the public voting phase and to register for the Global Grand Finale Days. 

  •  All regional winners, which were part of a vertical category (now considered global finalists) will be placed in a new category called Best Vertical Startup category. 

    On the other hand, all global finalists which are part of the baseline categories will automatically be registered in their same categories.

  • Phase 3 is repeated to find the global winners, however, this time by a global jury.

  • The global winners are announced at the Global Grand Finale Day and also published online afterwards. phase 4: Selection of Global Winners



A high growth potential startup not older than 5 (five) years of age founded in the country from where they are participating. 


An active and connected person within their respective national startup ecosystem. An ambassador is one who is active in the community directly. The ambassadors have the job of using their local knowledge to guide the regional HQ towards inviting the best possible nominees to the competition and motivating them to finalize their registrations in order to participate in the competition.

Ecosystem Partners

An active and connected organization within their respective national startup ecosystem. An ecosystem partner is one that is active in the community directly. The ecosystem partners have the job to use their local knowledge to guide the regional HQ towards inviting the best possible nominees to the competition and motivate them finalizing their registrations in order to participate in the competition.

Country Partners

A company or organisation that is an official partner representing one of the countries in the region. A country partner can have the responsibility for finding high quality ambassadors / ecosystem partners, advisors and national jury members for the competition. And they can also be responsible for the national event - if they decide to organize one.

Regional Partners

Company or organisation that is the exclusive official partner/owner of a region. A regional partner has the responsibility for the successful regional competition and for the regional event finale.

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